The Were Code

here's me in Were Code:
WC W(Ply(W/C) [F] d+ m-- p+ (t/wi) i! C[S/P/A] s/s+

what are you?



W = Werebeast
G = Gryphon
D = Dragon
H = Human
V = Vampire
P = Phoenix
O = Other (specify)

Were specifics:

W = Wolf
R = Raven
L = Lion
Cy = Coyote
C = Caracal
F = Fox
B = Bear
Dr = Dragon
D = Dog
G = Gryphon
H = Hawk
Hy = Hyeana
T = Tiger
P = Pard
Ply = Polymorph (add form(s) you use most in {})


[f] female
[m] male
[n] neuter
[h] hermaphrodite


d--- I'm a vegetarian Were
d-- I eat green salads garnished with small animals
d- I live off of small animals and grubs
d I eat deer exclusively
d+ I eat horses and deer and other large game
d++ I eat deer, large game and the occasional human
d+++ I live off of humans

Public Knowledge

pk--- My secret.
pk-- If someone were to guess, they would be short one limb.
pk- One person knows, but it scared them off.
pk My closest confidant knows.
pk+ A few of my closest friends know.
pk++ All my friends know; so do my parents.
pk+++ All my friends knew, but didn't believe me, so I disemboweled them.

Were Friend
(for non-Weres only, you like them? They like you?)

wf++++ haven't ya noticed, I'm growin' fur!
wf+++ popular, I've been invited to howlings
wf++ Reasonably popular; you visit for tea and haunch of horse
wf+ Polite acquaintance; you've brought over Jell-o (TM)
wf Tolerance; they don't try to disembowel you, you don't try to skewer them
wf- Irritant; they think about having you over for lunch
wf-- Maddening; they think about a quick snack; now!
wf--- Infuriating; you're not good enough for a meal
wf---- Cold fury; they're gonna hunt you, and find you, and then...


g gold
b bronze
s silver
c copper
gry gray
bl black
w white
t tawny
br brown
r red
y yellow
blu blue
gr green
o orange
f flesh (human/humanoid skin, any racial type)
pur purple
rnb rainbow/many colors


a++ Old enough to know better
a+ You're been around
a Mature adult
a- Young adult
a-- Cub
a--- Cubling

Mateing Status

m+++ Am I mated? Ask my kittens!
m++ Ask my significant other (mate/husband/wife)!
m+ Ask my sweetheart (girl/boyfriend)!!
m Ask me, PLEASE! *hopefulsmiles*
m- Don't ask!
m-- Single and happy
m--- single and lonely
m+-+ Single with kittens
(m) Ask me, and I'll knock your beak off
m** Ask my other half, who is at the keyboard with me! (RL mates!)
m(w) widowed

Magical Power
(for those that have it)

p? What's magic? (none)
p--- Slight of hand
p-- It just fizzles and dies.
p- I did it and the neighborhood's still intact!
p Most of my spells work, but who knows when ... oops.
p+ Passed my magic final!
p++ Building my own laboratory!
p+++ Not quite there...
p++++ Archmage (hehehe!)
p! You can call me "Almighty One!"

e elemental -- if limited to a specific element:
f fire
w water
e earth
a air
t telepathy
r rites/incantations/spells/etc.
wi witchcraft
s sorcery
we weather
pr primordial
tc technological

Irritability factor

i++ Come too close and you're horse meat
i+ I've been called a grump.
i Honor and Justice and Chivalry are the only reasons to fight
i- Just don't call me puppy and you're fine
i-- I take it all in stride
i--- You could skewer me and I wouldn't blink

! for terrible wrath once roused


c[W] Warrior/Knight; saving maidens, going on quests and such

c[S] Shaman/Mystic; doctor, herbist, religious leader, soothsayer

c[L] Pack Alpha

c[P] Provider/Hunter; provide food and hunt for yourself, family or community

c[Pa] Parent/Childcare; you devote your life to your cubs (or are currently), also nanny or babysitting

c[T] Teacher; you educate younger Weres in pack ways/hunting/ect...

c[Sc] Scholar; devoted to wisdom and learning

c[A] Artist/Bard/Poet/Author/Actor; you devote your life to your art

c[B] Businessperson; capitalist/office job, whatever level

c[Sci] Scientist

c[M] Mage; magic is your profession (also court wizards and such)

c[C] Chef/Cook

Social level

s+++ I'm only happy as part of a huge crowd
s++ I have friends in every species, and like to be with them
s+ I love living in a pack/pride /tribe/clan
s I have a few close friends
s- I associate with my extended family occasionally
s-- I live with my mate
s--- I live and hunt and like being alone

based on heavily on Gryphon Code

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